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Security in the Work From Home Economy

More people working remotely encourages bad actors to find holes to exploit.

With more than 90% of employees working from home (WFM), they are no longer behind the corporate firewall. Threat vectors have increased and bad actors are actively exploiting home-based endpoint devices and WFH employees to access corporate networks, servers, and databases.

I had the opportunity to catch up with OJ Ngo, CTO of DH2i to discuss the state of enterprise data security during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Enterprise infrastructure services have been forced to help remote workers work from home. Most end users do not understand how to configure a VPN, yet they need to ensure their data and devices are secure. While OJ looks forward to the day when he can get back to having impromptu face-to-face meetings with his team, he realizes that WFM is the new reality for the foreseeable future.

It’s critical for the networking stack to provide a secure communications channel to protect data regardless of whether it’s onsite, remote, or in the cloud. With more remote computing and more remote data, there’s more demand for secure data mobility and access.

DH2i protects servers, apps running on the servers, and the pipe that’s being used to transfer data between employee users, servers, and endpoints. Companies who are doing data analysis need to protect data throughout their local and distributed network, workers, and endpoints.

During COVID-19, DH2i is providing their DXOdyssey networking software completely free-of-charge to anyone who wants to access their work computer, applications, and information, from home. WFH employees can visit the DH2i WFH Portal and download the software completely anonymously with no personal information being collected and no sales calls.

Documentation and an administrative guide with explanations of how to use the technology from downloads, installation, activation are available in their client portal. Even though support is included, OJ noted that users have been able to get the gateway up and running with no need for support.

Improving WFH security means ensuring the data pipe, and all the elements therein, are secure. By making it simpler and easier to get technology to protect and provide a backbone for secure data transfer, security is enhanced for the enterprise and WFH employees.


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